» Book and Buy Now


Book and Buy Now

*The following apply to Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Speech Therapy. The prices listed are prior to insurance adjustment and payments. Insurance is not required, but we will work with you to use your benefits as your specific plan allows. 

Movement Plan Single Items:

Consultation (Click to Schedule)

 $100 value, FREE to You

Have a FREE conversation about goals and how we can best equip you for success.

Includes: checking health plan benefits, coordinating with physicians, and designing your custom plan of care toward better health

*Recommended start, especially if you are unsure of what plan is right for you


Virtual Discovery Visit (Click to Start Teleconference Now)

Start with one iVisit. NO need for downloads or special equipment! Our virtual visits are only one click away and compatible with iPhones, Androids, MACs and PCs. 

Buy Now for only $59 with $41 new patient discount or enter 'DISCOVER' coupon code for $41 new patient visit discount with booking. 

Select package or pay per visit after initial discounted iVisit.


Discovery Visit

Start with One home Visit. We bring our equipment and come to you! This is more than a home-health service. We bring the out-patient clinic to you.  

Buy Now for only $159 with $41 new patient discount or enter 'DISCOVER' coupon code for $41 new patient visit discount with booking.

Select package after initial discounted Visit.


Monthly Membership

Membership is only $150/mo with $50 per visit savings. Get One Post-Rehab Visit with a month of access. This is an exclusive client offer to previous or wellness patients. Additional visits, if needed, are available at the reduced rate.


Scheduling or Booking time with your therapist:

*use the widget below to select and schedule Movement Plan Packages.

Prompt pay discounts are applied for packages that are paid in full. 

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"The cost is what you pay, the value is what you get." - Warren Buffett

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