What is your most basic health need?
What is your most basic health need?
- If you answered oxygen, you got it right. Of course, there is more to health than oxygen, but the first thing in an emergency situation that must be re-established is your airway.
- BREATHING is a very basic necessity. Every cause of death is, can be directly or indirectly, linked to a loss of oxygen supply. The brain, heart, and lungs all need oxygen to function.
- This raises another question; do you know how to breathe?
- Yes, I am serious. Are you a mouth breather? If so, you need to correct this. Inhale through the nose, allowing the trunk to expand in all directions. If your chest is the only thing that rises, focus breathing deeper. Feel the rib cage expand in all directions. Try to make your belly rise as you breathe inward.
- Let’s all take a deep breath. Breathe IN through your nose for 4 seconds, HOLD your breath for 7 seconds, and breathe OUT for 8 seconds. I like to count 1,2,3,4. Hold 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Breathe out 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. If this is hard, you definitely need to keep working on this practice - Every Day. I recommend doing 3-5 sets every morning or especially before tasks that need focus or might cause stress. If you do 8 repetitions of these, you will effectively lower your blood pressure at that time. If too low blood pressure is your concern, do not worry because you are only practicing breathing, and this technique will not cause pressure to dip too low.